Friday 22 May 2009

Welcome to Ricky's Blog

Welcome to Ricky's Blog, At last Ricky Gleason & the Topspots are back on the road, with two gigs at MerseyCats under the belt and further bookings to come at Liverpool's Cavern Club and 'Hard Days Night' Hotel, we're on our way. Please refer to the end of my blog for dates and details of both gigs. I will keep you updated with all the gig news and band activity's in my future Blogs.

Had a great night last night at MerseyCats (21st May). The Topspots were not appearing but the Kirby Skifflers Kindly let me sing a couple of songs with them, excellent. Ex Dominoes keys man Sam Hardy also did a great spot. The absence of my good mate's, Colin Woodruff, drummer with the Clayton Squares and Mersey Beat star vocalist Karl Terry, both are performing at gigs in Frankfurt, left the evening a little quiet, they were missed. Karl asked me to go with them but I am going to Frankfurt myself on the 4th June so I declined the offer.

Keith Hubbard of the Topspots has done a great job for us, producing our CD, I feel so privileged to have such a talented band behind me. The two Keith's are both lead guitarists in the own right, even with differing styles, they gel brilliantly.

I've got to say, I am really looking forward to next Thursday when the band will be again performing at MerseyCats, can't wait.

I'll tell you about the gig in my next blog.

See you next time.

Ricky Gleason & The Topspots Gigs;

Thursday 28th May - MerseyCats, Old Roan British Legion, Aintree, Liverpool

Sunday 26th July - The Cavern Club, Liverpool.

Sunday 30th August - The Hard Days Night Hotel, Liverpool (Mathew Street Festival)


The Friends of Meher Baba said...
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Anonymous said...

Fantistic website, fantasic CD - well done - keep it up and carry on playing your brill music - love you all to bits.